China National Basic Research“973”Program
Principal Investigator: Minhan Dai
Duration: 2009-2013
Budget (10K): 3668
Project Number:2009CB421200
CHOICE‐C focuses on the carbon budget, controls, ecological response and future changes in coastal ocean systems. The focal area includes, but not limited to the continental shelves in both the South and East China Seas. Through an integrated study of the carbon cycling between field observation, remote sensing as well as numerical modeling in China seas with a contrast/ comparison strategy, CHOICE‐C aims to determine the source and sink terms of atmospheric CO2 and their associated controlling processes. What follows concentrates on the ecological response of the uptake of anthropogenic CO2, primarily on the ocean acidification during the past 1‐2 hundred years.
CHOICE‐C activities in 2009 include among others finalization of the implementation plan and execution of major field campaigns. On March 6‐8, 2009 CHOICE‐C international workshop was held at Xiamen University, with more than 80 scientists participated. The primary objectives of the workshop were to review the current knowledge on carbon cycling in marginal seas, to examine the implementation plan of CHOICE‐C. CHOICE international advisory committee members were invited to the workshop and their comments and suggestions have added tremendous values to the workshop and implementation of the project.
