From October 24th-27th, the 4th Open Science Symposium on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate was held in Xiamen. More than 260 experts, early career scientists and students from around the world shared their latest research during the conference.

Prof. CHAI Fei, the deputy chair of the scientific advisory committee, hosted the conference. Academician DAI Minhan and Academician JIAO Nianzhi made keynotes speeches. Prof. SHI Dalin was also invited to speak. Prof. WANG Weilei, the co-chair of the organizing committee presented.
During the opening ceremony, Dr. WANG Fan, the chair of the scientific advisory committee and director of the Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Science, introduced the organization, scientific vision and missions and achievements of NPOCE.

Academician HU Dunxin and Prof. Arnold Gordon were given awards for their outstanding contributions.
Academician CHEN Dake, Prof. Jose Santos, Prof. Margaret Leinen, Academician DAI Minhan, and Academician JIAO Nianzhi all extend their congratulations to the opening of the conference. They wished the conference a very successful international platform of academic exchange and cooperation.

A total of 88 presentations were given, including 6 keynote talks and 22 invited speeches, focusing on the Northwestern Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment’s (NPOCE) 5 major scientific topics, furthering academic exchanges on key topics related to ocean circulation and climate in the Western Pacific.