2021年1月,“表层海洋-低层大气研究计划(Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study, SOLAS)”国际项目办公室(中国)正式落户于5123导航并启动运行。我实验室戴民汉院士为SOLAS计划国际科学指导委员会共同主席,李黎博士为SOLAS计划执行副主任暨中国办公室负责人。

(Scientific Steering Committee, SSC Co-Chairs)
SOLAS计划于2004年正式启动,是由国际海洋研究委员会(SCOR)、未来地球计划(Future Earth)、世界气候研究计划(WCRP)和国际大气化学与全球污染委员会(iCACGP)共同资助的一个大型核心科学计划。SOLAS研究海洋与大气间的生物地球化学与物理过程和机理,揭示海洋-大气圈层相互作用对气候和环境变化的影响和反馈,是全球唯一一个促进学科交叉与国际合作进行海洋-大气整合研究的国际组织。

Project Officer for the SOLAS International Project Office
Job Profile
The State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (MEL) at Xiamen University is seeking a full-time Project Officer for the dual International Project Office (IPO) of the Surface Ocean- Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS). The position is based in Xiamen, China.
SOLAS is a global and multidisciplinary research project with the primary objective "To achieve quantitative understanding of the key biogeochemical-physical interactions and feedbacks between the ocean and atmosphere, and of how this coupled system affects and is affected by climate and environmental change."Since September 2017, MEL has hosted the SOLAS Nodal Office, which is elevated into a full SOLAS IPO (IPO-China) in January 2021. The IPO-China will closely collaborate with the SOLAS IPO in Europe to provide mutual support on major SOLAS tasks, including:
· supporting the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) in implementing the SOLAS 2015-2025 Science Plan and Organisation, which forms the foundation of the SOLAS project and describes its scientific scope;
· assisting with worldwide scientific information dissemination;
· communicating and coordinating with the SOLAS sponsors (WCRP, SCOR, iCACGP and Future Earth), other projects, and research teams worldwide; and
· facilitating training and career enhancement opportunities for young researchers.
Job description
The Project Officer will be employed as MEL staff, under the administration of MEL. He/she will assist the Deputy Executive Director of the SOLAS IPO, Dr. Li Li based in Xiamen, in cooperation with the SOLAS IPO in Europe to support the SOLAS SSC in implementing the project and facilitating communication and collaboration throughout the SOLAS network.The Project Officer will lead or contribute to scientific communication activities including:
· coordinating regional SOLAS activities in China and Asia, and developing funding opportunities for SOLAS events (i.e. workshops, meetings, summer schools, open science conferences);
· assisting in organising SOLAS events;
· editing monthly SOLAS Newsletters and reports from SOLAS-related events; and
· maintaining the SOLAS website and social media accounts.
The post will involve international and national travel.
The post holder should have at minimum:
· a Master's degree in oceanography, atmospheric science, or related field;
· excellent written and spoken communication skills in English; and
· excellent written and spoken communication skills in Chinese.
· The following qualifications will be considered advantageous for the post:
· experience in coordination and organisation of international large scientific events;
· writing, communication, and outreach experience with multiple forms of media (Mail chimp, WeChat, etc.);
· Good interpersonal and presentation skills; and
· Willingness to undertake international and national travel.
The ability to work in China is a requirement. The position is a soft-money position, which is funded on the basis of a fixed-term contract for 36 months (with a 3-month probation period), starting in January 2021. The position will be offered with full MEL staff benefits. The gross annual pre-tax income is expected to be ~200 K RMB with a Master's degree or ~240 K RMB with a Ph.D.
To apply
· Please send a CV, a cover letter (1 page maximum) and personal statement as well as the names and email addresses of 3 referees to:
· Suwei Weng (wengsuwei@xmu.edu.cn), Li Li (lili34@xmu.edu.cn) and Jessica Gier (jgier@geomar.de)
· Please quote the ref. ‘Project Officer, SOLAS IPO-China’ (in the subject heading of email).
For questions or more information about the position, contact Li Li (lili34@xmu.edu.cn).
Closing date for applications: Evaluation of applications will begin from now until the position is filled.