The 8th International Ra-Rn Workshop will take place in Xiamen, China during June 9-12, 2020. The workshop is organized by State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, and co-sponsored by Ocean University of China and Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (Qingdao).
The objective of this workshopis to provide a forum for presentationsand open discussions regarding the latest developments and new directions inthe application and measurement of Rn and Ra isotopes as environmental tracers. We will schedule a minimum of formal presentations (contributed talks) andleave maximum time for discussion (session discussions, working groups, andposter sessions).
No registration fee is charged and the workshop will support up to 20 PhD students and early-career scientists for accommodation during the conference of up to 4 nights. Please be noted the deadline of abstract submission and application for financial support is February 29, 2020.
Please circulate the information among your colleagues or students. For more information please visit the webpage: http://melmeeting.xmu.edu.cn/rarn2020 or contact us:
Local Organizing Committee:
Dr. Guizhi Wang , Xiamen University, China
Dr. Pinghe Cai, Xiamen University, China
Dr. Bochao Xu, Ocean University of China, China
Ms Yan Yang, yangyan@xmu.edu.cn
Ms Vera Shi, vera_shiwei@xmu.edu.cn