2020 Summer School on
“Marine Ecological Health and Sustainable Development”
July 5-13, 2020 Beijing, China
Notice: Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, summer school will be postponed until 2021
The 2020 Summer School on Marine Ecological Health and Sustainable Development is jointly organized by Peking University (PKU), Xiamen University (XMU), City University of Hong Kong (CITYU), and National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU), which is to be held in Beijing on July 5-13, 2020.
Since 2008 seven summer schools have been held, which were well attended by over 650 participants from 14 countries/regions and received very encouraging feedbacks.
The Summer School series aim to provide participants the fundamental concepts and latest development in the rapidly growing field of environmental science and pollution research. The course is relevant and useful for postgraduates and professionals working on the areas of environmental science, pollution and public health. Limited quota is available for senior undergraduates intended to work on these research areas.
The theme of Summer School 2020 is “Marine Ecological Health and Sustainable Development”, which is a multidisciplinary subject of global concern. We continue to fulfill our mission to provide high quality, interactive teaching and learning experiences (including lectures, field trip, student presentation, and culture salon) to our participants. The Summer School acts as a platform to nurture young scientists via direct interaction and discussion with world-class lecturers in the field. It also provides participants a valuable opportunity for career advancement, personal enrichment and development of social awareness and responsibility to the environment.
Previous Summer School Series:
- “Ecotoxicology” in 2008, Xiamen;
- “Eutrophication (HAB) and Environmental Impact Assessment” in 2009, Xiamen;
- “Environmental and Human Health: Impact Assessment” in 2010, Hong Kong;
- “Emerging Environmental Problems and Risk Assessment” in 2012, Xiamen;
- “Environment and Health Summer School - Oceans and Human Health” in 2014, Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Zhuhai;
- “Marine Environmental Health and Safety” in 2016, Xiamen;
- “Marine Environment and Fishery Resources under Global Change” in 2018, Keelung

- State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control (ESPC), College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (CESE), PKU
- Institute of Ocean Research (IOR), PKU
- State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (MEL), XMU
- State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution (SKLMP), CITYU
- Department of Chemistry (CHEM), CITYU
- Center of Excellence for the Oceans, NTOU
Organizing committee
- PKU (ESPC/CESE/IOR): Min Hu, Liping Zhou, Yi Huang, Zhijun Wu, Song Guo
- XMU (MEL): Xinhong Wang, Haizheng Hong
- CITYU (SKLMP/CHEM): Henry Y. H. He, Paul K.S. Lam
- NTOU: Tin-Yam Chan, Kuo-Ping Chiang, Wen-Chen Chou
2020 Theme: Marine Ecological Health and Sustainable Development
Language: English
Venue:Environmental Building, Peking University, Beijing, China
Course contents:
- Marine environmental toxicology
- Interaction of ocean and atmospheric interface
- Marine management and sustainable development
- Marine culture and civilization
Tentative Program
July 5, Sun.
Registration &
Registration &
Ice-breaking party &
July 6, Mon.
July 7, Tue.
July 8, Wed.
Field trip
Field trip
July 9, Thur.
Field trip share salon
July 10, Fri.
Marine art salon
July 11, Sat.
July 12, Sun.
Closing ceremony
July 13, Mon.
Targeted Participants
- Postgraduate (doctoral and master students) with limited senior undergraduate, and professionals working in the area of Ecotoxicology, Chemistry, Biology, Environmental Science, Fishery Management, Oceanic and Atmospheric Science are welcome to attend the summer school.
- The number of participants will be limited to 60, including PKU (10), XMU (10), CITYU (10), NTOU (10), and 20 from other institutions in the world.
Credits and Awards
- A certificate of completion will be awarded to participants who have successfully completed the summer school.
- Best oral and poster presentations will be awarded with special prizes.
- The Summer Course is a one- to two- credit unit postgraduate course.
- To obtain 1 credit unit, postgraduate students are required to achieve full courseattendance, to give a poster presentation and a group oral presentation.
- To obtain 2 credit units, postgraduate students are required to fulfil all requirements listed above and to write a report / review article to a special topic covered in the course.
Fees & Financial Support
- No registration fee is charged for qualified applicants. Fees for lecturers and field trip and local accommodation fees in Beijing will be covered by the organizing committee. The expenses of round trip transportation from your city to Beijing will be paid by the participants.
Important Dates
February 18, 2020
First announcement
April 30, 2020
Second announcement with confirmed lecturers and detailed
program, website open
May 10, 2020
Registration closed
June 1, 2020
Notification of acceptance and confirmation of participation
July 5, 2020
Arrival and check-in
July 6-12, 2020
Summer school
July 13, 2020
- State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, Peking University
Ms Jing LU(卢静)
Room 538, Environmental Building, Peking University, Beijing E-mail: lujingpku@pku.edu.cn
Tel/Fax:(86) 010 62751920
- Institute of Ocean Research, Peking University
Ms Yuxia WANG(王玉霞)
Leo KoGuan Building, Peking University, Beijing E-mail: wangyuxia@pku.edu.cn
Tel/Fax: (86) 10 62752344
- State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University
Ms Lun CAI(蔡伦)
Zhou Long Quan Building, Xiamen University Xiang'an Campus, Xiamen
E-mail: cailun@xmu.edu.cn
Tel: (86) 592 2186039 Fax: (86) 592 2184101
- State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution, City University of Hong Kong
Ms Man Wai NG(吴敏慧)
83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong E-mail: manwaing@cityu.edu.hk
Tel: (+852) 3442 6504 Fax: (+852) 3442 0524
Ms Xiangyan LU(卢祥燕)
8 Yuexing 1st Road, Shenzhen Hi-tech Industrial Park Nanshan District, Shenzhen
E-mail: xingl223-x@my.cityu.edu.hk
Tel: (86) 755 8658 1582 Fax: (86)755 8658 1592
- Center of Excellence for the Oceans, National Taiwan Ocean University
Miss Yi-Hui CHEN(陳怡慧)
2, Pei-Ning Road, Keelung, Taiwan E-mail: cmbb@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Tel: (886) 2 24622192#5281 (886) 2 24636954 Fax: (886) 2 24636964