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[9月5日] GEOTRACES SSC 专家系列报告之一、二

发布时间:2011/09/02     浏览次数:

Talk 1:Tracing present and past ocean circulation and continental weathering with radiogenic isotopes

Prof. Dr. Martin Frank


Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of Kiel

Talk Abstract

The budget and isotopic distribution of dissolved elements in seawater has been controlled by the style and intensity of continental weathering and for some elements also by ocean circulation. The radiogenic isotope composition of dissolved trace metals in the ocean represents a set of powerful tracers with a large potential for oceanographic and paleoceanographic research on time scales from the present back to the more distant geological past. I will provide an oversight on the present day processes controlling their distributions, which is also a subject of the GEOTRACES programme and will discuss some examples for applications to reconstruct the past marine environment.

Personal Webpage:http://www.ifm-geomar.de/index.php?id=2061&L=1



Talk 2: Distributions of Iron in the tropical North Atlantic and Lead in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans

Prof. Edward A. Boyle

Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ph.D. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Chemical Oceanography 1976

Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1990-present)

Associate Editor, MARINE CHEMISTRY (1997-present)

Up to over 145 peer-reviewed publications

Research Interests:Distribution of trace elements in the ocean and their use as paleochemical tracers; response of the ocean to anthropogenic lead emissions; relation between dust, iron in the ocean, and marine biological activity.

