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Greenland Ice Sheet Hydrology and Meltwater Chemistry: Insight from a Radon-Based Mixing Model

发布时间:2012/10/22     浏览次数:
时间:2012-10-23 (星期二) 15:00
地点:翔安校区希平楼 C3 311教室
主讲人:Matt Charette
联系人:杨爽 2186039

Matt Charette博士已在包括Science, Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaLimnology and Oceanography等国际一流期刊发表了逾70篇学术论文。其主要研究兴趣为:

-The impact of groundwater-seawater interaction in coastal aquifers on geochemical cycles in the coastal ocean.

-Radionuclides as tracers of marine processes such as submarine groundwater discharge, glacial meltwater, water mass transport, and oceanic particle cycling.

-Developing in situ instrumentation for investigating the aforementioned processes
