George N. Somero:美国科学院院士,美国科学促进协会(AAAS)成员,斯坦福大学生物系David and Lucile Packard终身教授。美国国家科学委员会(National Research Council)如海洋酸化委员会、生态与进化生理学委员会,海洋研究委员会等委员。
Somero教授是Science, PANS,Annual Review of marine Science等多种国际期刊的编委会成员。
摘要:Physical variables of the environment, notably temperature and hydrostatic pressure, have strongly perturbing effects on all biochemical systems. The occurrence of life in habitats with widely different physical conditions is a testimony to the success with which organisms can adapt to these diverse types of environmental stress during evolution and during acclimatization. These adaptive processes tend to conserve the values of critical biochemical traits, for example, protein stability and functional capacity, membrane integrity, and ability to transcribe genes encoded in DNA, across species and environments. This lecture will present examples of this pattern of conservation in values of several key biochemical traits and show how adaptive processes comprise complementary activities of changes in macromolecules like proteins and low-molecular-weight “micromolecules” (ranging from protons to organic osmotic solutes). To understand biochemical adaptation, therefore, it is necessary to view the process in a “holistic” manner, one that takes into account the importance of adaptation not only in large molecules but also in the “micromolecules” that can serve as importance partners in allowing organisms to overcome environmental stress.