The coastal salt marsh is a strong “blue carbon” sink, which plays an important role in global and regional carbon and nitrogen cycling. We measured greenhouse gas (CO2and CH4) emissions and carbon sequestration in salt marshes across a nitrogen-loading gradient of four Spartina salt marshes in Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts. The GHG flux measurements were made in situ with a state-of-the-art mobile gas measurement system using the cavity ring down technology. Both vertical (CO2and CH4) and lateral (dissolved organic and inorganic carbon) fluxes are important in quantifying carbon sequestration in salt marsh and understanding how and why the carbon stock changes over time. Our results facilitate model development to simulate GHG emissions in coastal wetlands and support methodology development to assess carbon credits in preserving and restoring coastal wetlands.
北京大学学士、硕士,美国加州大学伯克利分校博士。美国海洋生物研究所研究员。长期从事生态系统功能和过程、碳氮循环及海岸带蓝色碳汇研究。曾率先开发了国际领先的三种温室气体(CO2,CH4,N2O)同时原位测量技术,开发了用荧光技术在野外直接测量植物光合作用的新方法,在美国科学院院刊(PNAS)以第一作者发表开创性论文(Tang et al. 2014),修正了传统的生态系统演替理论。已在SCI高影响因子期刊上发表40多篇SCI论文,H因子21,被SCI引用总计2000多次,其中第一作者单篇论文最高被引用213次。