We are pleased to announce that the 6th International Conference on Nitrification and Related Processes (ICoN6) will be held in Xiamen University, Xiamen, China from October 8 to 12, 2019.
The ICoN meetings are the premier biennial opportunity for sharing scientific research related to nitrification, links between nitrification and other processes of the global nitrogen and other elemental cycles, and applications of insights from fundamental science to technical and environmental systems.
The Scientific Advisory Committee has put together a stellar program covering a wide range of topics related to the global nitrogen cycle, intersection between nitrogen and other elemental cycles, and applications of knowledge from basic research to technological innovation to environmental application. These topics will be covered by invited keynote lectures, plenary and contributed talks, posters, and an early career workshop for young scientists.
The ICoN6 is the first ICoN to be held in China. We are now calling for abstract submissions. Please submit your oral abstract online by June 20 and poster abstract by August 31, 2019. Note the meeting language is English. We expect all attendees to submit an abstract for presentation.
For more details, please check the website: https://melmeeting.xmu.edu.cn/icon6/index.asp.
If you have any inquiry with the conference regard, please do not hesitate to contact us at icon6@xmu.edu.cn.